You are not loved for your body
you are not loved for your body you are desired for your body. In the Hall of Mirrors... that is comparison and longing... we use our...

Reality Check (a communication tool)
SUPER HELPFUL COMMUNICATION TOOL!!!! THE REALITY CHECK A Reality Check is a communication tool that helps you get curious about your...

Betrayed in Community
So this observation super helps me in community when I dislike or feel betrayed by certain members of it. People bug me / hurt me /...

Stuck in Childhood Trauma
Childhood Traumas stunt our emotional growth until they are revisited re-felt and nurtured from your protective loving adult mind....

Healing relationship Hurts
This is the most important part of friendship if you don't like something I've said or done If I've hurt you .... I want to hear about...

So your partners an addict...
WHO HAS A PARTNER THAT'S AN ADDICT??? this article will address what happens when one partner seems to be "more" addicted then the other...

Help with Letting go...
Yes you will lose that thing you love.... Yes Everything changes and fades away... But it happens in exactly the right order... when...

Why Couples Counselling...?
Are you feeling stuck in patterns of miscommunication with your partner or friend or roomate or family member... the same issues keep...

The surprising power of ONLINE counselling
So a question that comes up a lot when I tell people that I'm an online counselor is... Online???????????? Really??? Are you able to...